Sunday, February 6, 2011

Latest News

Hi Everyone.  Hope you have all had a good week and weekend - despite the seemingly constant drizzle and rain.  Finally feel like I'm drying out a little! The Waitangi Celebrations were really good with free bouncy castles and face painting for the kids as well as free refreshments for the adults.  Best of all they weren't too long!

I have only had feedback from 6 people about the employment workshop.  Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in attending a workshop about applying for jobs in New Zealand and other issues around employment. 

Talking to some members of the group it seems that volunteering is a good way to get into the NZ workforce, pick up some kiwi terminology used in certain positions and if nothing else get a New Zealand referee and reference.  I have booked (to be confirmed) someone from Volunteer Kapiti to come over and talk to the group about volunteering on Wednesday 23rd February at our shared lunch.  Until we have an employment workshop confirmed this could be a great stepping stone for those of you thinking about applying for jobs. 

So after some thought and a bit of response about the questions I sent out I have made some executive decisions.  Check out the events link for changes but to summarize;
  • Friday 18th February visit to Rangiatea Church. 
  • Friday 1st of April Buggy Walk. 
  • Wednesday 23rd February speaker from Volunteer Kapiti. 
Hope to see you all soon.

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